>INSTRUCTIONS< {General Items: Landing the craft is necessary for picking up people from the panets surface. To land the X-wing, the nose must be facing directly upwards. Heavy landings will result in a crash, so take it easy. Some parts of the landscape are interactive. If you find yourself in a position with no possible solution, try experimenting with the landscape around you. Shooting certain items in the game will mean a loss of points, plus the loss of a life. The Rebel Shield generator on level two is an example of this. The various missions for each level vary quite considerably. Read the information between every level very carefully, as they are your only source of clues. {Special Items: Once collected, R2-D2 can open impenatrable access doors. Simply land the X-wing close to a door, and R2-D2 will automatically open it. Imperial prisons can contain either Rebel soldiers, or an explosives expert. Rescuing a rebel pilot awards you one extra life, and killing one results in the loss of points. Killing the explosives expert will mean that you must begin the level again plus the loss of one life. The explosives man is Used To destroy key Imperial installations. Simply land close To the base, and he will automatically perform his task. {-The Status Panel- Far Left (Red) - Timer (selected levels). Score - Your current score. Lives (below score) - How many lives remaining. Center - Nothing For demo. R2-D2 indicator - Active when you have R2-D2. Explosives man - Active when you collect him. Level name (below) - Name of the current planet. {Final help: This demo version of StarWoids has a very high difficulty level. This is just To keep you playing it a bit longer O:). Note that there {is} a decent reward should you manage To complete all 3 levels. {When all Else fails - Use The Force!